The Terra e Sole Farm and the structure of “Il Poderetto” are located on the border between Montefeltro and Massa Trabaria, two regions of high historical, artistic, gastronomic and naturalistic interest. To honor the importance of the history, the apartments have been renamed as worldwide famous artists and architects who have characterized local and national history.

The Montefeltro is also composed of many small villages and castles set in the green like Frontino (15Km) and Macerata Feltria (20Km) that belong to the circuit of the most beautiful villages in Italy. Along the Metauro valley, don’t miss the beautiful towns of Mercatello sul Metauro (7km), Sant’Angelo in Vado and Urbania (10km) with its famous Chiesa dei Morti (Church of the dead).

Urbino is no doubt a pearl not to be missed. Only 30 km away from the structure, There is the famous town of Raffaello which was nominated as a UNESCO heritage since 1998. Urbino is one of the most important centers of the Italian Renaissance and it is characterized by a structure made up mainly of narrow alleys and hills. The marked symbols of the town are; the Palazzo Ducale which belongs to Federico Da Montefeltro, the fortress Albornoz offering an amazing panoramic view to the city and the fact that Urbino is the birthplace of Raffaello. However, other historical areas of great importance nearby include the historic centers of Gradara (60km), San Leo (45km) and San Marino (50km).

From a naturalistic point of view, there are two breathtaking natural parks at a short distance: the Sasso Simone and Simoncello Interregional Natural Park (20Km) and the Gola del Furlo National Park (30Km). The first one is located right on the border between Marche, Tuscany and Emilia Romagna regions. This park is composed of two characteristic rocks that define its name and logo and from Monte Carpegna which is famous to all European cyclists for its steep climbs and because it was Marco Pantani’s place of training. The Gola del Furlo is located right along the ancient “Via Flaminia” way and consists of hundreds of meters high rift between the rocks crossed by the green waters of the Candigliano river. The Gola, in addition to the wonderful hiking, is also renowned by climbers and is also famous for the profile of Mussolini modeled on the rock.

From the gastronomic point of view, this area is well-known for its truffle, in addition to numerous excellent quality products of the farm as well as of the local production. To honor this product, Sant’Angelo in Vado, Frontino (15Km) and Acqualagna (25Km) organize important dedicated events, respectively, in October, August and November. Especially in summer and autumn, there are plenty of ways to celebrate numerous country festivals, events and historical reenactments organized by local residents.